About Us

With the best technologies and people power at our fingertips, IMSG has both the skills and resources to tackle any environmental data challenge, large or small, and has a proven history of offering precise, comprehensive solutions to our clients. Whether it’s developing remote sensing algorithms for the U.S. National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service, to conducting a feasibility-study and plan for the development of modern meteorological services for countries worldwide, IMSG offers the full package – the best science, the best engineering, and the best management skills to provide answers in an uncertain time.

Prepare with the Best with IMSG

Founded in 1987, IMSG is committed to helping governments and businesses worldwide predict, prepare and respond to climate change and environmental risks in real time with meaningful solutions. With our high-level team of experts – the best in the industry – we deliver solutions for understanding and combating climate change, so that risks of any kind are minimized and results are delivered.

What IMSG offers is unique and unparalleled in our industry

  • Our integrity sets us apart. We are firmly committed to an integrity of research and process that makes us the foremost agency for environmental risk and climate change prediction in our field.
  • Our agility propels us forward. We are half the size of larger firms, but consider our size to be an asset – we only hire the best of the best, and we flex and bend to accommodate our clients’ needs.
  • Our experience keeps us growing. We are a team of PhD experts, made up of the best of the best in our industry. But we don’t rest on our laurels. We improve on them. So while we do have the best people, offer the most experience, and are leaders in innovation in our field, to us, that just means we’ve got more work to do.
  • Our desire to stay the best makes us extraordinary. With every step, with each move forward, we ask ourselves, “How can we add value for our clients?”

With our team of PhD level professionals, we at IMSG offer a depth and breadth of specialization not normally available to clients. But we believe in being the best, and our heavily published staff made up of industry-leaders, gives our clients a partnership that has integrity, agility, experience and added value in every situation.