
The I.M. Systems Group, Inc. (IMSG) is a committed partner to the American Meteorological Society (AMS).  This year’s 96th AMS Annual Meeting in New Orleans consists of 39 presenters from IMSG, where 13 are oral and 26 are posters.  Presentations on Monday, Jan 11th from IMSG scientists will...

Presentations on Tuesday, Jan 12th from IMSG scientists will feature: Youlong Xia – Support Scientist III TOPIC: Improvement of the Optimal Blended NLDAS Drought Index (OBNDI) by Incorporating USGS Runoff Percentile and NCEI Operational Drought Indices Talk # 2.1 – Room 242 Time: 8:30 AM Rahul Mahajan – Support...

Presentations on Wednesday, Jan 13th from IMSG scientists will feature: Jian Kuang – Support Scientist II TOPIC: Hindcast Validation of Shallow Water Wave Processes in the Great Lakes using Unstructured Spectral Models Room 342 Time: 9:00 AM Dan Pisut – Visualization Laboratory Project Manager TOPIC: From Science to Storytelling: How Satellite Data Connects...

Presentations on Thursday, Jan 14th from IMSG scientists will feature: John Michalakes – Senior Scientific Programmer Analyst TOPIC: Optimizing Performance and Scalability of HWRF Room 344 Time: 9:30 AM Xiaqiong Zhou – Support Scientist II TOPIC: Study of High-resolution and extended ensemble forecasts in NCEP GEFS Poster #: 903 Time: 9:45 – 11:00...

The NOAA Storm Prediction Center is carefully tracking a line of storms moving through areas of Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee. This GOES-East image from December 28, 2015 at 15:00 UTC shows the overshooting cloud tops associated with the areas of convection. Tornado watches are in...

The Mississippi River Valley has been experiencing record floods for the past week after a series of storms brought heavy rains to the region in late December. This false-color Suomi NPP VIIRS image shows areas of flooding as observed on January 3, 2016. The VIIRS...

Photo as in GESTAR Newsletter, Vol. 4 (2), Spring 2015 Over 10 IMSG employees supporting NESDIS/STAR were recognized at the 2nd STAR annual award ceremony for their above and beyond efforts and contributions. Dr. Bomin Sun, Mr. Michael Pettey, Mr. Franklin Tilley, and Mr. Charlie Brown –...

The CAAC Aviation Weather and Decision Making Integration Training Class visiting NWS/Aviation Weather Center in Kansas City As a member of the U.S.-China Aviation Cooperation Program (ACP), and in collaboration with the National Weather Service (NWS) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), IMSG has provided aviation...