IMSG designs sustainable solutions for Marine Habitat Resource Management and Conservation. With our team of Marine Habitat Specialists, we help you understand the physical, biological, chemical, socioeconomic, and policy dimensions of fishery management and habitat conservation, coral reef protection, offshore contaminant spills, and marine protected areas, and partner with you in planning the smartest, most sustainable steps for you to take.

Fishery Habitat Conservation and Restoration
IMSG protects and restores coastal habitats to provide sustainable fisheries in various regions around the world by:
- Mapping and assessing the exposure and sensitivity of fishery habitats to the impacts of coastal hazards (e.g., hazardous substance discharges, harmful algae blooms, and hypoxia)
- Assessing socioeconomic and health impacts to fisheries due to overfishing
- Developing solutions to solve damage to fishery’s habitat
- Responding to emergency incidents such as ship groundings and chemical spills
- Planning and executing fisheries habitat restoration efforts
- Conducting surveys and data collection (e.g., tagging and monitoring studies, radio and satellite telemetry) for fisheries, sea birds, and marine mammals
- Managing the care of endangered species and rehabilitation of injured wildlife
Coral Reef Conservation
IMSG work to combat major threats to this valuable ecosystem by partnering with local communities and businesses to manage this important resource. Our services include:
- Training local communities and natural resource managers on how to conserve and protect coral reefs, especially in times of emergency.
- Working with the U.S. states and territories to create sustainable, workable management plans, research priorities, and manage grant activities.
- Coordinating and supporting coral reef conservation worldwide.